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(RF) Cavitation + Skin Tightening

30 min
120 US dollars
Washington Boulevard

Service Description

Are you looking for instant Fat Reduction Without The Need For Surgery? With Radio Frequency Cavitation you can lose up to 2 inches from the treated area in just one session. Radio Frequencies target and destroys the fat cells in the target area. It also improves the elasticity of the skin. Fat is stored in special cells, which the low frequency ultrasound that we use breaks up into small particles and then liquify. This is known as “cavitation”. This liquid is then easily removed from the body via the lymphatic and urinary systems. After the cavitation, we use radio frequency (RF) Skin Tightening, which helps: Body sculpting/shaping Fat burning Improvement in cellulite RF energy affects the deeper dermal layers, meaning that the result is a lifted contour, a decrease in deep wrinkles, thicker, and firmer skin. RF promotes new collagen protein production which strengthens the skin. This is extremely beneficial after cavitation, to prevent loose and sagging skin after fat loss. Potential Benefits of RF Skin Tightening: Body Contouring Face Contouring Reducing Wrinkles & Fine Lines Face Slimming Fighting Sun Damage Potential Side Effects of RF Skin Tightening: Temporary swelling, redness, tingling RF Skin Tightening can be done every three days or twice a week. The maximum treatments someone can get in one year are 20 for the body and 6 for the face. You cannot receive skin tightening if you have any metal in the area of focus. What to know before booking: Ringing in the ears – caused by sound waves passing from the skeleton to the ears during the ultrasound Increase in need to urinate Increase in energy and/or restlessness Redness on surface of skin – heat related and should vanish within 24 hours post treatment Your circumference may increase after treatment. This is temporary due to the work we have done on the subcutaneous fat and should subside within 24 hours. The treatment can also cause mild bruising in some individuals, but this is rare Ultrasonic Cavitation Contraindications The procedure is not recommended for individuals below the age of 18 years. Pregnant women, as well as epileptic individuals, should refrain from undertaking this procedure. Individuals with conditions such as blood pressure, diabetes and cancer should not use Ultra cavitation treatment. Individuals having metallic implants in the treatment area should not participate in the process.

Cancellation Policy

We do not accept cancellations accept on a case by case basis. To reschedule you must call or email 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment

Contact Details

  • 27 Gems Spa & Boutique, Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD, USA


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